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Why this blog?

Are you disillusioned with the Catholic Church?
Are you disappointed by the way the Catholic Church is developing?
Do you think the Catholic Church and the Church of England are losing their way?
Do you think that the Second Vatican Council started a process of disintegration?

Do you wish to return to traditional values?
Are you looking for a more authentic Church that is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic?

These are all questions which I asked myself about twenty years ago and I eventually was able to reach a most fulfilling worship.

Because you are reading this, you might be seeking a better to worship; you may be dissatisfied with your current Church and might be looking for a home that will fulfill your spiritual needs.  Do come back to this blog.  I cannot promise anything new on a regular basis, instead I shall build it up gradually, initially in a disorganised way.  However, if you bear with me, I sincerely hope that you will find the information of use and I hope to help you in a small way to reach the Church that you can trust and be satisfied with.

In the mean time, if you are intrigued or wish to discuss things, do not hesitate to communicate with me at this address: sainteanswytheoss (at)

NB: The reason Saint Eanswythe is part of my email address is because my initial venture into what is now my home Church led me to a retreat in Folkestone where Saint Eanswythe was the abbess of the nunnery back in the first millennium.


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Hello, you are visiting this blog because you are probably disillusioned by the state of the Roman Catholic Church or the Church of England.  The idea for this blog came to me because I have recently met many Catholics who have made the move away from the RC Church and joined the one I eventually chose. The other pages of the blog will present different aspects of my voyage and I hope I will be able to draw you along with me into this life-changing journey.  This blog will gradually grow; do call again regularly. If you want to discuss anything, please contact me: My other blog is: